50 Things To Do Before You’re 11 and 3/4 

50 Things To Do Before You’re 11 and 3/4 

I recently came across an article all about the National Trust’s 50 things to do before you’re 11 and 3/4 and fell in love with the idea. 

I think with the increase of technology  some children never experience the really fun childhood milestones. I’m not saying I’m anti tv, iPads etc as Finn does watch some cartoons, and the iPad was a lifesaver on the plane. But  I’m really conscious of making sure Finn doesn’t use them too much as he grows up. I also think this list is a really fun way to have quality family time together. 

Here’s the list 

And here’s a link to the site 50 Things so you can have a look for yourself. 

Obviously Finn is still really little so there aren’t many we can complete at the moment but I’ll definitely be referring back to this list as time goes on. I know Stu will really enjoy doing these activities with Finn as well. 

Here’s some pictures from some  we’ve already ticked off,

3.  Camp out in the wild.

And – 23. Visit a farm 

41. Plant it , Grow it , Eat it 

Is anyone else following this list? I’d love to hear X 

2 thoughts on “50 Things To Do Before You’re 11 and 3/4 

    1. It’s brilliant isn’t it, such a good idea to get kids outside and enjoying something other than technology X


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